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Why AI will NOT Replace Humans in the Hiring Process (#thepozcast)

"Until AI is Hiring AI, AI will not fully replace humans in the hiring process"

hackajob CEO Mark Chaffey

If there is one job in the universe that encompasses the true human X factor, it is recruiting.

The BOTS can only "listen" to a certain extent and do their best to translate.
→ But they can not feel.
→ They can not read between the lines like a great recruiter can.
→ They can't (yet) truly empathize.
→ They can't truly learn what someone's soft skills are.
→ They cant account for neurodiversity the way it needs to be cared for.

Check out my fantastic, in-depth convo with Mark on E314.

LISTEN UP: https://www.thepozcast.com/314